Friday, March 30, 2007

Week 1 Class Post

It's interesting to realize in class that even what I used to think were "cutting edge" ministries and churches are still quite modern and "traditional." I wouldn't want to overstep and say that they are not effective ministries (we have many models that are reaching different cultures, ages, etc), but I for one feel (as a pastor even) that I no longer want a solo pastor/teacher/CEO as my linchpin for understanding what church, leadership, or ministry is all about. The alternatives are murkier, but that's the path I have to take...

1 comment:

Jess Man said...

Well, I don't want to call out any names here... :)

As for alternatives, there's some house churches that propose a 5-fold leadership ministry based on Eph 4:11-12: people with the other gifts besides pastors being equippers, instead of the usual designation that this is what one pastor (or pastoral team) does for the congregation. I have yet to hear where people have actually accomplished something like this, including the ones who proposed this "ideal."